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Driver: mongodb

The mongodb module is the main module in the suite, providing a thin Drupal adapter for the standard MongoDB PHP library, in the form of two Symfony factory services and a base test class.


The basic idea of these factory services is to provide a way to create instances of the standard MongoDB Client and Database classes from a simple alias string, taking all properties from the Drupal standard Settings object.

This allows code to be unaware of the execution environment, referring to database or client by a functional alias, while the specifics of accessing the relevant mongod/mongos and database are left to per-environment settings,

  • Drupal\mongodb\DatabaseFactory : The recommended entry point for most applications, returning a MongoDb\Database from an alias string.
    • __construct(ClientFactory $clientFactory, Settings $settings). This is normally invoked by the container, to which the class is exposed as the mongodb.database_factory service.
    • get(string $dbAlias): MongoDb\Database; returns a Database instance matching the value defined in Drupal settings for $dbAlias.
  • Drupal\mongodb\ClientFactory: This one may be needed for more complex applications, e.g. those wishing to handle operations spanning connections to multiple MongoDB replica sets/sharded clusters.
    • __construct(Settings $settings). This is normally invoked by the container, to which the class is exposed as the mongodb.client_factory service.
    • get(string $alias): MongoDb\Client: returns a Client instance matching the value defined in Drupal settings for $alias.

Troubleshooting commands:

The module provides two commands designed to help troubleshoot issues and access the contents of the MongoDB databases. Both are available for Drush and Drupal Console indifferently.

  • drush mongodb:settings reports how the module suite sees the settings. It needs no parameters, and returns YAML output looking like this:

        uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017'
        uriOptions: {  }
        driverOptions: {  }
        - default
        - drupal
        - default
        - keyvalue
        - default
  • drush mongodb:find <db_alias> <collection> <selector> allows running a MongoDB query from the command line on the chosen database alias and collection, returning the results as YAML, as in the following example. Note that passing JSON selectors from the bash command lines requires escaping as in that example:

    $ drush mongodb:find keyvalue kvp_state '{ "_id": "node.min_max_update_time" }'
      _id: node.min_max_update_time
      value: 'a:2:{s:11:"min_created";N;s:11:"max_created";N;}'$

Test base class

The module provides a \Drupal\Tests\mongodb\Kernel\MongoDbTestBase extending core class KernelTestBase. This allows modules to define their own integration tests using the module services, and taking advantage of running in a per-test database. What it actually provides:

  • Test instance properties:
    • $this->uri contains a MongoDB URI suitable for connecting to a default client, taken from the value of the MONGODB_URI variable is passed in the environment, on the PHPUnit command line, or in the phpunit.xml configuration file, this will be its value, otherwise it will be set to the traditional MongoDB default instance: mongodb://localhost:27017.
    • $this->settings contains a test-specific instance of core Settings, limited to the mongodb settings key. The default database in these settings is a temporary database defined by the Simpletest prefix, allowing it to be used without interacting with the rest of the site, and dropped during test teardown.
  • Constants: in addition to the ones used by the mongodb tests, the base test defines constants usable by child tests:
    • CLIENT_TEST_ALIAS is the alias for the default MongoDB test client
    • DB_DEFAULT_ALIAS is the alias for the default test database
  • Modules:
    • The test base enables the mongodb modules, since all modules using MongoDB are expected to depend on it.
    • Module tests will typically want their own module enabled, so they will need to redefine static::$modules including the mongodb module as done in Drupal\Tests\mongodb_storage\Kernel\KeyValueTestBase and Drupal\Tests\mongodb_watchdog\Kernel\LoggerTest.
  • setUp() / tearDown():
    • Tests need to invoke parent::setUp() near the top of their own setUp(), to have the test base define the properties before doing their own work.
    • Tests need to invoke parent::tearDown() near the end of their own tearDown() - if any - to drop the default test database.
    • Tests needing non-default test databases need to override the getSettingsArray() function to add their own database alias after invoking parent::setUp(), and need to drop that database during their own tearDown().
      • They can use $this->getTestDatabaseName($postfix) method to build a per-test database name that will not collide with the default database.
      • There are examples for this in the mongodb_watchdoig tests.

A complete example of how to write a test using that base class is given on the tests page.