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The newly ported modules have some test coverage, which can be checked with PHPUnit.

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Writing custom tests

The mongodb module provides a Drupal\Tests\mongodb\Kernel\MongoDbTestBase base class on which to build custom kernel tests for bespoke modules, as it provides a per-test database created during test setUp(), and dropped during tearDown().

The base class is documented on the mongodb documentation page.

Complete test example

This example show how to write a test using a custom foo database for the eponymous module foo, assuming individual tests do not drop the database instance themselves.


namespace Drupal\\Tests\foo\Kernel;

use Drupal\mongodb\MongoDb;
use Drupal\Tests\mongodb\Kernel\MongoDbTestBase;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\foo\Foo
 * @group foo
class FooTest extends MongoDbTestBase {
  const MODULE = 'foo';

  protected static $modules = [

   * The test database.
  protected $database;

   * Override getSettingsArray method to include custom test database
  public function getSettingsArray(): array {
    $settings = parent::getSettingsArray();
    $settings[MongoDb::MODULE]['databases']['foo_alias'] = [

    return $settings;

   * Add a custom alias to settings and instantiate a custom database.
   * If the tests do not need a specific database, no setUp()/tearDown() is
   * even needed.
  public function setUp(): void {
    $this->database = new DatabaseFactory(
      new ClientFactory($this->settings),

   * Drop the custom database.
   * If the tests do not need a specific database, no setUp()/tearDown() is
   * even needed.
  public function tearDown(): void {

   * @covers ::whatever
  public function testWhatever() {
    // ... custom test logic...


In most cases, modules implementing will implement multiple classes, hence have multiple tests, in which case having a per-module base test class will be recommended. See mongodb_storage or mongodb_watchdog tests for examples.

Running tests

Now that Simpletest has been deprecated since Drupal 8.8, and its UI is going away (cf. #2566767), tests should be run from the PHPUnit command line.

Running directly

The typical full command to run tests looks like the next example (\ is to avoid too long a line). Assuming a composer-project deployment with Drupal in the web/ directory, you'll need to run phpunit from the Drupal root, not the project root:

cd web
SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL=http://localhost                \
BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=/some/writable/pre-existing/path \
SIMPLETEST_DB=mysql://user:pass@localhost/drupal10  \
MONGODB_URI=mongodb://somemongohost:27017           \
../vendor/bin/phpunit -c $PWD/core/phpunit.xml.dist \
    -v --debug --coverage-clover=/tmp/cover.xml     \
  • Functional tests: the SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL and BROWSERTEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY variables are needed. Kernel and Unit tests do not need them.
  • Optional: MONGODB_URI points to a working MongoDB instance. If it is not provided, the tests will default to mongodb://localhost:27017.

These variables can also be set in the core/phpunit.xml custom configuration file to simplify the command line, as described on Running PHPUnit tests page.

Using a phpunit.xml configuration file

The test command can also be simplified using a phpunit.xml configuration file:

phpunit -c core/phpunit.xml

Or to generate a coverage report:

phpunit -c core/phpunit.xml --coverage-html=/some/coverage/path modules/contrib/mongodb

In this syntax, core/phpunit.xml is a local copy of the default mongodb/core.phpunit.xml configuration file, tweaked for the local environment.