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Installation and Settings

To summarize:

  • Install prerequisites
  • Download the MongoDB module suite to the site
  • Configure settings

Installing the prerequisites

The MongoDB module and submodules need some configuration to be useful. This guide assumes that :

  • A MongoDB 4.2 to 6.x server instance has already been installed, configured and is available for connection from the Drupal instance. MongoDB 5.x, AWS DocumentDB and Azure CosmosDB might work but are not tested. Be sure to report any issue you could have with either.
  • The mongodb (not mongo) PHP extension version 1.13 or later is installed and configured.
  • The site will be running Drupal 9.4.x, 9.5.x or 10.0.x, with Drush 11.x.
  • PHP is version 8.1.x. PHP 8.2.x should work but is not tested: be sure to report any issue you could have with it.
  • We highly recommend using Composer to install and use this module, and its dependency, the MongoDB extension and library for PHP

Installing MongoDB itself is best explained in these official resources maintained by MongoDB Inc.:

MongoDB below 4.0 is no longer supported, which means you can no longer get a basic web admin interface by running mongod with the –httpinterface: that feature was removed in 3.6. To some extent, this feature has been superseded by the free cloud monitoring service offered by MongoDB Inc.

Downloading the modules

If you are already using Composer in your site to manage module dependencies, as recommended, installing is just one command:

cd <site root path>
# Download the tagged (stable) version:
composer require -nvv -W --prefer-stable "drupal/mongodb:^2.1"
# ...or the latest version:
composer require -nvv -W "drupal/mongodb:dev-2.x"

Alternatively, download the module package by any other means, as per the Drupal documentation about Installing modules.

Configuring settings

  • Copy the relevant section from mongodb/example.settings.local.php to your settings.local.php file if you use one, or settings.php otherwise, and adapt it to match your MongoDB settings. These settings are used by the mongodb module to connect to your MongoDB servers, with the default server being the one started in previous steps.
  • The clients key contains an associative array of connection by connection alias, with the default connection parameters being under the default key, and additional keys allowing the use of other servers/clusters.
  • The databases key contains an associative array of server/database pairs by database alias, with the default Drupal database being under the default key, and additional keys allowing modules to use their own database to avoid stepping on each other's toes. This is especially useful for bespoke modules created for the needs of a specific site, which can thus use their own databases, possibly located on other MongoDB clusters. For example, consider the following settings:
// In sites/default/settings.local.php.
$settings['mongodb'] = [
  'clients' => [
    // Client alias => connection constructor parameters.
    'default' => [
      'uri' => 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
      'uriOptions' => [],
      'driverOptions' => [],
  'databases' => [
    // Database alias => [ client_alias, database_name ]
    'default' => ['default', 'drupal'],
    'keyvalue' => ['default', 'keyvalue'],
    'logger' => ['default', 'logger'],
    'queue' => ['default', 'queue'],
  • With these settings:
  • The default database alias will handle collections in the drupal database on the default MongoDB server installed in earlier steps.
  • The keyvalue database alias will store key-value collections on the same default MongoDB server, but in a separate keyvalue database.
  • The logger database alias will store logger collections on the same default MongoDB server, but in a separate logger database.
  • The queue database alias will store queue collections on the same default MongoDB server, but in a separate queue database.

The module contains an example default implementation of these settings, which you can copy or include, in mongodb/example.settings.local.php.

Each module should always be using one or more databases if its own, unless documented otherwise. For example, the mongodb_storage module needs two databases: one for the K/V storage, and the other one for the Queue storage, as configured in the example above.

Enabling the module

Enable the mongodb module, using drush en mongodb or the Drupal UI.

You now have access to the MongoDB services and Drush/Console commands for the mongodb module.

Once the module is installed and enabled, you can check its requirements on /admin/reports/status:

MongoDB on status page

You can configure it on /admin/config/system/mongodb/watchdog.

Optionally, enable the mongodb_storage and mongodb_watchdog modules, for additional services and commands.